Frage coffee maker
- a Guest
- Dank erhalten: 0
Some time back, I rezzed a limited number boxes on a small parcel to see what Satyr was all about. I found a coffee maker, in one, that required no electricity. I heard about upgrades, so I got brand new boxes and there was no coffee maker of this description. Unfortunately, I had deleted the former boxes.
What happened, to it?

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- Buzzy Cnayl
- Dank erhalten: 52
That's probably from the original SatyrFarm. You can pick up the SF Roman Stove from the Lugo store if you want something that uses wood, or you can just edit the HOTDRINKS_RECIPES notecard in the one you have and take out the ,25% kWh or 25% kJ bits. You cam also pick up the original items at
von Buzzy Cnayl
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- a Guest
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