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Pregunta New Kitchen

  • Louis Quatorze
  • Autor del tema
  • Gracias recibidas: 30

New Kitchen Publicado por Louis Quatorze

Posted 14 Jul 2020 09:01 #498
Hello Cnayl
there is a parameter somewhere to adjust distance between hope or oven and table?
I plan to do a BBQ (hard to find different mesh meats !) and need food rez on good garden table not inside in dinning room!

por Louis Quatorze
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: Madame Maintenon

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  • Admin
  • Gracias recibidas: 258

Respuesta de Admin sobre el tema New Kitchen

Posted 14 Jul 2020 14:13 #499
The way it works is the item when rezzed by the cooker or storage unit etc will look for the closest surface that has at least one empty spot. So one option is to make sure the dining room table is full up first. I've just put an "Ornamental plates rezzer" in the front 'Farm Shop' section of the Mintor store that will help with that.

Another option is that in the config notecard in the product, it uses TARGET=SF Table so you could change that for all the barbecue items to say, TARGET=SF Garden Table and in the SF Table config notecard change it to NAME=SF Garden Table
por Admin
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: Louis Quatorze, Madame Maintenon

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  • Admin
  • Gracias recibidas: 258

Respuesta de Admin sobre el tema New Kitchen

Posted 14 Jul 2020 15:56 #500
PS - I'm looking into making a barbecue so if you (or anyone) has one that can be shared please let me know!
por Admin
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: Emma Rose, Madame Maintenon

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  • Hope Fading
  • Gracias recibidas: 9

Respuesta de Hope Fading sobre el tema New Kitchen

Posted 14 Jul 2020 17:13 #504
box is at the Learning Center
I am having problems
wont even rez, my avatar
por Hope Fading

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  • Madame Maintenon
  • Gracias recibidas: 18

Respuesta de Madame Maintenon sobre el tema New Kitchen

Posted 14 Jul 2020 21:41 #506
Awww thanks youuuuuuuu Cnayl, i am very happy !!!
I am visiting Aquino and for me the best is with pergola for put Fridge and barrels storage par example and have less prims
Thanks you very much for come true my wish
por Madame Maintenon

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  • Louis Quatorze
  • Autor del tema
  • Gracias recibidas: 30

Respuesta de Louis Quatorze sobre el tema New Kitchen

Posted 14 Jul 2020 22:01 #507
We put one BBQ on workershop! Will see...
por Louis Quatorze
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: Madame Maintenon

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