Question Where to find the auto script template?

  • Nova
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Where to find the auto script template? a été créé par Nova

Posted 06 Fév 2023 12:55 #2302
Hello, I have read in Chapter 13 I can make my own storage containers - but I have checked at Mintor and cannot find "The storage script automatically configures itself for any product in its inventory, so if you have a new product, just place a copy inside the SF Store."  I would appreciate any clue on where to find this....pretty new at this and not a script  "maker" at all :)...Thank you.
Last Edit:06 Fév 2023 20:39 par Nova
Dernière édition: 06 Fév 2023 20:39 par Nova.

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
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Réponse de Buzzy Cnayl sur le sujet Where to find the auto script template?

Posted 07 Fév 2023 10:41 #2304
Sorry about that. I had a tidy up and rearrange recently and forgot to put that back out!  I've now put it in the 'Developers' section towards the back of the store (on the side wall display)
par Buzzy Cnayl

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  • Nova
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Réponse de Nova sur le sujet Where to find the auto script template?

Posted 07 Fév 2023 12:02 #2305
Thanks a lot, I will go grab a copy !
par Nova

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