Question Hud Questions

  • April McKenna
  • Auteur du sujet
  • Remerciements reçus 3

Hud Questions a été créé par April McKenna

Posted 10 Mai 2023 08:47 #2457
Hi Buzzy,

I've noticed that no matter how much I store items in my hud, if I teleport within the grid the products disappear from my provisions and the hud resets itself.  Not only products but also the settings I have saved.

Also it states here that I have 66 points but everywhere else, the hud and the exchange, say I have 65 lol.

par April McKenna

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Remerciements reçus 49

Réponse de Buzzy Cnayl sur le sujet Hud Questions

Posted 10 Mai 2023 12:56 #2461
For the points, my mistake (I can't add up!) - have corrected it.

For storing, I'm presuming you mean the things you store under Provisions? If the HUD gets reset, the provisions all show as 0, but you can use the Retrieve button to pull them back from the server.  

That said, I'm not sure why the HUD would reset itself if you are just moving around in the same grid. Can you try going between Mintor and Lugo and see if you see the same thing happening
par Buzzy Cnayl

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