• Elke Craig
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EXCHANGE POINTS è stato creato da Elke Craig

Posted 23/09/2020 22:17 #816
so the question i have is are the points going to reset every month because i am now at 0 and was wondering if that will happen every month or if this is the only time because of the switch to the new system. The other question i have is what is the coal used for.
Last Edit:23/09/2020 22:24 da Elke Craig
Ultima Modifica 23/09/2020 22:24 da Elke Craig.

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Risposta da Admin al topic EXCHANGE POINTS

Posted 24/09/2020 08:44 #819
For points (and coins) now we are on the new system they won't get reset anymore :)
da Admin
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Risposta da Admin al topic EXCHANGE POINTS

Posted 24/09/2020 08:47 #820
Coal at the moment isn't used for anything but soon I will add some uses for it :)
da Admin

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Risposta da a Guest al topic EXCHANGE POINTS

Posted 24/09/2020 12:30 #826
Coal can be used for a lot of things, like fuel oil, gasoline, petroleum jelly for medicinal uses. :side:
da a Guest

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Risposta da Elke Craig al topic EXCHANGE POINTS

Posted 24/09/2020 19:56 #830
i found what the coal is used for it is used to make ink
da Elke Craig

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Risposta da Admin al topic EXCHANGE POINTS

Posted 24/09/2020 20:57 #831
lol thanks - I felt sure I must have had one thing that used it but couldn't remember!
da Admin

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