Domanda Error Message from Hud

  • April McKenna
  • Autore della discussione
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 3

Error Message from Hud è stato creato da April McKenna

Posted 03/05/2023 05:24 #2455
Hi Buzzy, I keep getting the same error message: 
[22:18] VivoSim-HUD-V6.04: COMMS ERROR!
[22:18] VivoSim-HUD-V6.04: COMMS ERROR!
[22:18] VivoSim-HUD-V6.04: COMMS ERROR!
[22:18] VivoSim-HUD-V6.04: COMMS ERROR!
[22:19] VivoSim-HUD-V6.04: COMMS ERROR!
[22:19] VivoSim-HUD-V6.04: COMMS ERROR!
[22:19] VivoSim-HUD-V6.04: COMMS ERROR!
[22:19] VivoSim-HUD-V6.04: COMMS ERROR!
[22:19] VivoSim-HUD-V6.04: COMMS ERROR!
[22:19] VivoSim-HUD-V6.04: COMMS ERROR!
[22:20] VivoSim-HUD-V6.04: COMMS ERROR!
[22:20] VivoSim-HUD-V6.04: COMMS ERROR!
[22:21] VivoSim-HUD-V6.04: COMMS ERROR!
[22:21] VivoSim-HUD-V6.04: COMMS ERROR!
[22:22] VivoSim-HUD-V6.04: COMMS ERROR!
[22:23] VivoSim-HUD-V6.04: COMMS ERROR!

I've re activated the hud, detached and re attached and it keeps coming up.
da April McKenna

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 47

Risposta da Buzzy Cnayl al topic Error Message from Hud

Posted 03/05/2023 16:23 #2456
I have to admit this has me puzzeled since as far as I can see there isn't any way for that message to show!   If you right click the HUD, select Edit, then on the Content tab click Reset scripts, does that sort it?   Does the HUD still work (i.e.showing you yor XP and coins?) 
da Buzzy Cnayl

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