Domanda Ship yard firewoos

  • Chelsea Himmel
  • Autore della discussione
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 2

Ship yard firewoos è stato creato da Chelsea Himmel

Posted 01/11/2022 11:39 #2188
when making firewood in the shipyyard the firewood rezzes as firewood and not firewood logs. Firewood does not work with and stoves.
da Chelsea Himmel

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 50

Risposta da Buzzy Cnayl al topic Ship yard firewoos

Posted 09/11/2022 20:38 #2220
Sorry about that. I've updated it and you can pick up the latest version from Mintor (has arrow showing updated today, 9 November)
da Buzzy Cnayl

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