Buzzy Cnayl replied to the topic 'Nothing useable found in "insert any food / drink here"' in the forum.
12:16, 15 maio 2023
Sorry people are having these issues. Just to clarify, if you replace the HUD you won't lose any XP or coins etc.
When your HUD is not working, please can you head to the Cafe at Mintor and you will find some green and blue bread on the counter by the door. Oh your HUD, under Options, if it shows +Echo Status click it to turn on the status echo. Then stand next to the green and blue bread on the cafe counter and use the Inspect button and check each one (Bread and Test) and let me know what it says. It should give:
Inspect: 25% Bread
Hungry -30
Inspect: 100% Test
Hungry -7