Questão making medicine in the Shop
- Chelsea Himmel
Autor do tópico
- Obrigado recebido 1
Making Medicine in the shop requires Margold petals then Love or RIP or Horn. Ok I produce Marigold petals but how does one get Love, RIP , and horn. Horn is only thing that I can puchase in exchange. Im I missing something?
por Chelsea Himmel
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- Buzzy Cnayl
- Obrigado recebido 49
Horn also comes from Unicorns. Love comes from the Baby and RIP comes from when animals such as cats and dogs die. Medicine, magic and potions is still very much in the early stages!
por Buzzy Cnayl
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- Chelsea Himmel
Autor do tópico
- Obrigado recebido 1
ok but doesn't Rip disappear when clicking on dead carcass. I dont use babies so dont know how love is saved. can these items be added to vender to purchase with the horn?
por Chelsea Himmel
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- Buzzy Cnayl
- Obrigado recebido 49
No, the SF RIP should be given and float above the dead animal in the same way meat and skin etc do. Not all animals give RIP though (the 'Death items column in the animals page list which do -
I will add RIP to the exchange soon.
I will add RIP to the exchange soon.
por Buzzy Cnayl
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