Questão NPC farmers are missing watering some items

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NPC farmers are missing watering some itemsfoi criado por a Guest

Posted 15 Out. 2022 15:50 #2106
Since I started using Satyr, have had problems with a single NPC Farmer missing some of the items needing water. Consequently, I finally enabled three NPCs -- one for each platform -- to hopefully water the entirety of the farm. The result, after roughly an hour, was that three or four of my ten trees were missed, and two or three of my fields. The rest of the items in question were visited multiple times by each of the NPC Farmers.

This cannot be, normal..? What can be done?

Any help, appreciated... thanks ;)
Last Edit:15 Out. 2022 15:51 por a Guest
Ultima edição : 15 Out. 2022 15:51 por a Guest.

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
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Respondido por Buzzy Cnayl no tópico NPC farmers are missing watering some items

Posted 15 Out. 2022 16:08 #2107
The way the NPC farmers work is that they visit things randomly. The best way to get them working if you have a lot of items is to change the setting in the config notecard for the radius. If you change that and then use the 'Fence' button you can see the approximate area each one will cover and by playing around with that hopefully you can keep them in separate areas. That sais, the NPC farmer was only really designed to work on a small farm system so it can take a bit of trial and error to get them working well!
por Buzzy Cnayl

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  • Brinley Taliesin
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Respondido por Brinley Taliesin no tópico NPC farmers are missing watering some items

Posted 21 Out. 2022 17:49 #2119
We have a huge farm and the way I fixed this was to have our two NPC farmers each water only specific items. This can be edited in the config file in the rezzer. We have one farmer that waters small fields, vines marsh field etc, and the other only water trees, square fields and so on. Giving each npc its own "assignments" works well :)
por Brinley Taliesin

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Respondido por a Guest no tópico NPC farmers are missing watering some items

Posted 21 Out. 2022 22:43 #2121
Thank you!
por a Guest

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Respondido por a Guest no tópico NPC farmers are missing watering some items

Posted 21 Out. 2022 22:43 #2122
Great idea Thank you
por a Guest

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