
As regiões do VivoSim são um ótimo lugar para sair e pegar o sistema 'VivoSim'. A 'vida virtual' do VivoSim é uma evolução do sistema 'Satyr Farm' com muitas maneiras de aproveitar sua vida virtual nos mundos OpenSim. Você pode vincular facilmente seu avatar a partir de qualquer grade depois de se registrar para começar a aproveitar a diversão da vida virtual real!

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I've seen this multiple items for ViviSim.  This seems to be random and occurs in random items.  So consider this a report.

Taken Dec 2, 2024

[10:36] SF Cow: [YEngine]: Exception while running 0912ed25-6bb7-4a04-9cd6-59f768a6a31e
[10:36] SF Cow: InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
[10:36] SF Cow: Prim: <SF Cow>, Script: <prod-rez_plugin>, Location: Kaze no Sato <96,23,20>
[10:36] SF Cow: Script must be Reset to re-enable.
[10:36] SF Cow:  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2+ValueCollection+Enumerator[TKey,TValue].MoveNext () [0x00013] in <d636f104d58046fd9b195699bcb1a744>:0
[10:36] SF Cow:  at OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.SceneObjectPartInventory.AggregateInnerPerms (System.UInt32& owner, System.UInt32& group, System.UInt32& everyone) [0x00045] in...


I created an avatar on grid nirvanna and join a friend where she owns the land. I joined the group as an owner land is deeded but the hud thows error codes while hers is ok. grid owner  does not know what the cause is. here is the code:

[08:49] OSSL Runtime Error: osGetNotecard permission denied. Script creator is not in the list of users allowed to execute this function and prim owner also has no permission.(script: language_plugin event: state_entry primID:1d28da1b-5c29-41e8-8012-ff7194918bee at <60.30397, 83.21243, 30.90838>)
[08:49] OSSL Runtime Error: osGetNotecardLine permission denied. Script creator is not in the list of users allowed to execute this function and prim owner also has no permission.(script: prod-rez_plugin event: state_entry...


Thanksgiving on the farm @ AMV Community farm 29th Nov @ 4pm

April McKenna hop:// Community Farm/1091/1166/22 5 days ago
Isaac Wild has liked a Page 06:58, 28 novembro 2024
Isaac Wild has liked a Page 06:57, 28 novembro 2024
Ravenwood Farm has a new avatar. 17:55, 17 novembro 2024
Sapphire Hades has a new avatar. 00:48, 17 novembro 2024
Violet Hades has a new avatar. 00:36, 17 novembro 2024

Kaze no Sato is now open for visitors, Do be aware that we are still building, but you are welcome to visit.

Annah Gestaga has a new avatar. 00:54, 15 novembro 2024

VivoSim Grid - Stats

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Visitors_Last_30_Days: 430

Total_Regions: 15



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