I have not been getting my level up points when i level up! this is the 4th time this had happened. I am still level 50. anybody else have this problem?

Krellis Strom
I do, all the time. When I first started it worked, then stopped. Tried resetting, then a new hud. After a long dry spell it worked, then didn't. At one point it didn't change for two weeks...
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1 year ago

Buzzy Cnayl
When you move up in rank then it only gives you 1 XP after 10 times of leveling up. I am going to update the HUD soon to make that clearer and also hope to add it to this website so you can see how...
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1 year ago

Krellis Strom
Thanks for the clarification, Buzzy.
1 year ago

Wild Dog
I am not getting the single pointwhen the slider fills up and my avi jumps and i stay at level 50
1 year ago

Wild Dog
the problem is exactly as Strom ddescribed, everythng else works fine . i have to use food drink etrc.
1 year ago

Buzzy Cnayl
I have now added a display that shows your current XP. You will see that at level 50 onwards, each time you level up in-world you should go up by 0.1 e.g. 50.0 then 50.1 then 50.2 etc. Please do...
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1 year ago