Pregunta A few questions

  • April McKenna
  • Autor del tema
  • Gracias recibidas: 3

A few questions Publicado por April McKenna

Posted 14 Abr 2023 03:43 #2433
Hi Buzzy,

It's been over a day since I gained a point, and have been constantly working the community farm.

I seem to be going from 50 to 50 over and over and over.  I had noticed a few points came in around the same time but thought it might have been because I lost 3 points due to the baby hud resetting mine.  Does it just stop at 50?

I also noticed that all the baby items have been removed from Mintor.  I still have a baby out but am not attaching her to me to make sure it doesn't interfere with the new hud again.
Last Edit:14 Abr 2023 03:58 por April McKenna
Última Edición: 14 Abr 2023 03:58 por April McKenna. Razón: Added more information

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Gracias recibidas: 49

Respuesta de Buzzy Cnayl sobre el tema A few questions

Posted 14 Abr 2023 08:49 #2434
Yes, the in-world time XP stops when you get to the next ranking. The idea is that after that there will be other ways to get XP, but to be honest I hadn't expected people to get there so rapidly so I haven't quite got the next stage set up yet!
por Buzzy Cnayl

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