Free community farming at hop://login.osgrid.org/Wild Wood Valley/330/354/22

is the rental box supposed to be non copy? it has only modify perms
2 years ago

Wild Dog
not sure what you mean i dont have a rental box. this is a free area to farm in
2 years ago

sorry i posted in the wrong place XD i was referring to the beta rental system, dunno how i posted the question in this thread X3
2 years ago

This is a community farming region free to farm and use the crafting and cooking items i have set up in the barns. You farm or raise livestock as you wish then put the harvests in the community storage area, anyone can use these to craft or cook with. The idea is to be able to farm on a fairly large scale, but not be overwhelmed individually.
Community -
Jueves, 23 Marzo 2023 -
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Wild Dog