Domanda Animal Rezzer Version 4.2

  • Admin
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Animal Rezzer Version 4.2 è stato creato da Admin

Posted 09/04/2020 08:41 #120
Sorry, another quick update as I found the duck eggs were set for the 'click action' to be buy rather than touch. Not major as you can right click them and pick touch but anyway ducks updated in version 4.2
da Admin

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Risposta da a Guest al topic Animal Rezzer Version 4.2

Posted 11/04/2020 07:54 #121
having issues with goats rezzing underground????
da a Guest

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Risposta da Admin al topic Animal Rezzer Version 4.2

Posted 11/04/2020 08:52 #122
Do you mean when you rez them, they appear below ground level? If you are using the rezzer as a HUD then it's supposed to rez them at your feet but I think the way I work out your height may not be so good so I've tweaked that and released as Version 4.3
Last Edit:11/04/2020 09:51 da Admin
Ultima Modifica 11/04/2020 09:51 da Admin.

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