Domanda Food Hud

  • Shadows Myst
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Food Hud è stato creato da Shadows Myst

Posted 07/02/2020 21:27 #52
Hello, I have noticed when I eat it takes a long time for the Food Hud to see it and change accordingly...I am using the 3.4...Is it suppose to be that way?
da Shadows Myst

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Risposta da Admin al topic Food Hud

Posted 07/02/2020 22:03 #54
Yes, I noticed that yesterday and it's a bug that got introduced when I added the new 'provisions' feature :oops: Just put out a new version, sorry about that.
da Admin

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Risposta da Shadows Myst al topic Food Hud

Posted 07/02/2020 22:15 #56
Thanks for responding...
da Shadows Myst

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Risposta da a Guest al topic Food Hud

Posted 08/02/2020 13:26 #60
Where i can get the new hud? i forgot to do a LM and now cant tp back to mintor.
da a Guest

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Risposta da Admin al topic Food Hud

Posted 08/02/2020 13:27 #61
on the main map in the search box, type in and that will get you there.
da Admin

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Risposta da a Guest al topic Food Hud

Posted 11/02/2020 20:27 #62
da a Guest

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