Domanda Local Farming

  • Krellis Strom
  • Autore della discussione
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 3

Local Farming è stato creato da Krellis Strom

Posted 29/12/2023 19:43 #2695
I would like to see an option for region/grid-specific farming where the leaderboard, exchange, HUD, etc would interface only with a region or grid one specifies. This would be very helpful in a roleplay setting where you want only your RP group showing on the leaderboard, and you customize settings for that group.  When you want to interact with the Vivo system, you can just wear the Mintor HUD.
Not sure if it's doable, especially when it is time for updates, but it's just a thought.
da Krellis Strom
I seguenti utenti hanno detto grazie : Buzzy Cnayl

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 55

Risposta da Buzzy Cnayl al topic Local Farming

Posted 04/01/2024 16:08 #2698
That sort of thing is actually on my "to do" list :-)
da Buzzy Cnayl

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