Questão Unable to see Objects in Mintor

  • Krellis Strom
  • Autor do tópico
  • Obrigado recebido 2

Unable to see Objects in Mintorfoi criado por Krellis Strom

Posted 03 Abr. 2024 17:07 #2738
Not sure why I only see empty land when visiting Mintor. Lugo looks fine. Any ideas?

I'm using the most recent viewer.
por Krellis Strom

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Obrigado recebido 47

Respondido por Buzzy Cnayl no tópico Unable to see Objects in Mintor

Posted 03 Abr. 2024 18:32 #2739
I just visited and it was okay for me. It might have been doing a restart or something?

Please do let me know if it's not back for you now.
por Buzzy Cnayl

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  • Krellis Strom
  • Autor do tópico
  • Obrigado recebido 2

Respondido por Krellis Strom no tópico Unable to see Objects in Mintor

Posted 04 Abr. 2024 17:24 #2740
After multiple tries everything is now loading for me. Must have been a viewer glitch.
por Krellis Strom

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