Questão Baby Medicine

  • Page Thane
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Baby Medicinefoi criado por Page Thane

Posted 03 Abr. 2023 17:46 #2397
How do you make Baby Medicine
por Page Thane

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Obrigado recebido 49

Respondido por Buzzy Cnayl no tópico Baby Medicine

Posted 03 Abr. 2023 17:58 #2398
I just checked and you make Baby Medicine from Medicine, but then I found you make 'Medicine' from 'Baby Medicine' and actually there is no medicine as a product yet!  The baby system is something I haven't had a chance to do much on. I've had a few people say they will work on it but then nothing comes of it.  I do hope to get back to it soon.

For now, the SF Bathroom Storage does store it and you can always buy some from the Exchange.
por Buzzy Cnayl
Os seguintes utilizadores Agradeceram: April McKenna

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