Questão salt maling in dryer on 3x3
- Chelsea Himmel
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1x1 is
cript engine is XEngine
Physics engine is BulletSim 1.0
Sim version:
OpenSim Yeti Dev OSgrid Yeti Dev b598573f41: 2020-05-22 16:55:20 +0100 (Unix/Mono)
cript engine is XEngine
Physics engine is BulletSim 1.0
Sim version:
OpenSim Yeti Dev OSgrid Yeti Dev b598573f41: 2020-05-22 16:55:20 +0100 (Unix/Mono)
por Chelsea Himmel
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- Chelsea Himmel
Autor do tópico
- Obrigado recebido 2
single sim
cript engine is XEngine
Physics engine is BulletSim 1.0
Sim version:
OpenSim Yeti Dev OSgrid Yeti Dev b598573f41: 2020-05-22 16:55:20 +0100 (Unix/Mono)
cript engine is XEngine
Physics engine is BulletSim 1.0
Sim version:
OpenSim Yeti Dev OSgrid Yeti Dev b598573f41: 2020-05-22 16:55:20 +0100 (Unix/Mono)
por Chelsea Himmel
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- Buzzy Cnayl
- Obrigado recebido 55
okay thanks, will look into it. By the way I realised I forgot to answer about you not geting any points for making salt. That's because you will need the updated drier that I shall be releasing soon.
por Buzzy Cnayl
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- Chelsea Himmel
Autor do tópico
- Obrigado recebido 2
Oh so current drters will not give points ok. BTW what about the new backpacks that will not rezz items shown in inventory and gives message not in inventory, s there a way to clear the packpack Another Note is I can not log in on new website w Melania Twain account password forgot password and when tring to mke a new one the link to change it dd not work as well. oH WILL we need noe chicken coups to colect 5 eggS?
Last Edit:11 maio 2023 18:00
por Chelsea Himmel
Ultima edição : 11 maio 2023 18:00 por Chelsea Himmel. Motivo: correction
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- Buzzy Cnayl
- Obrigado recebido 55
For doing tasks to get XP, you will need updated items. I am testing a bunch of items and hopefully will be available soon.
For backpacks, I don't see one linked to your current account. If you pick up and rez a fresh one that should work. Also, you can add items into it so they are then ready to rez out - just stand next to whatever product and use the 'New Stock' button. This puts a copy into the backpacks inventory. For the account login, will send you a PM.
For backpacks, I don't see one linked to your current account. If you pick up and rez a fresh one that should work. Also, you can add items into it so they are then ready to rez out - just stand next to whatever product and use the 'New Stock' button. This puts a copy into the backpacks inventory. For the account login, will send you a PM.
por Buzzy Cnayl
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- Chelsea Himmel
Autor do tópico
- Obrigado recebido 2
I had the new backpack. used it but it had items in it yhat I added that would not rezz the item, gave message item not in your inventory but when doing a check it shows in the Pack. Have same issue with Malania Twain's pack, so started using the older ones.
por Chelsea Himmel
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